Hi everyone better late than never!
This is a blog post about snowflake obsidian.
Crystal Family
Snowflake Obsidian is Black Obsidian with grey/white feldspar inclusions. It is formed via volcanic lava which quickly solidifies into a clear or black volcanic glass. To create snowflake obsidian feldspar minerals/silic acids are in the volcanic lava as it is hardening crystalizing within the obsidian. It has no crystal structure.
Snowflake Obsidian is found in New Zealand, USA, Peru, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Guatemala, Iceland, Russia, and Italy. The stone is 5-5.5 on the Mohs Hardness scale. Its used for amulets and necklaces.
It can be water cleansed and used as tumblestones, points and jewellery.
Snowflake Obsidian Formation: amorphous with complex crystals
Chemical Composition: SiO2 Silicon dioxide with Feldspar impurities
History and Mythology of Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian has its history intertwined with obsidian. Obsidian has been used since Paleolithic times as blades and arrowheads for weapons for hunting.
In Ancient times, It was believed to have been found by a Roman Obsius (Hence Obsidian’s name), who found it in Ethiopia. This crystal was believed to help Drive out demons as well as heal wounds and alleviate pain.
The Ancient Greeks of Milos traded Obsidian and became extraordinarily rich off it.
In Central America, The Aztecs made clubs, axes and swords with the stone and used it for religious carvings and ornamental regalia. In Mythology, The Aztec mother Earth Goddess, Coatlicue gave birth to the moon, Coyolxanuhqui and the stars with the help of an obsidian blade.
The Mayan Priests of the god Tezcatlipoca used Obsidian for mirrors to predict the future.
In Europe during the Middle Ages, Obsidian was used for spheres and magical mirrors to aid in magical rituals.
Obsidian was also used as a surgical tool for Trepanation which was an operation to cut into the skull of a patient.
A Scientist in the Royal court for Queen Elizabeth called John Dee had a Magic mirror which he claimed was given to him by Uriel the angel. It was actually a Aztec mirror brought back from the Conquista.
Now it is used in cardiac and eye surgeries as the blade is thinner than a steel scalpel. It is also used for piano keys and chess pieces.
Crystal healing Properties
Snowflake obsidian helps to teach you to value your mistakes as well as your successes. It is known as the stone of purity as it balances your mind, body, and spirit.
It helps you overcome parenting mistakes so great for a new parent.
It is highly protective as it blocks negative energy and absorbs it and it is gentle in doing so.
Spiritually it aids:
Awakens you
Feel intact with the Earth
Brings hidden emotions to the surface
Opens an awareness of your past lives - aids past life meditation and regression
Spiritual invulnerability and freedom
Emotionally it aids by:
Meditation - Isolation and loneliness become empowering
Dispels fear and emotional blockages from the soul
Empowers to help you see lessons and blessings in your heartbreak
Promotes forgiveness for pain others have caused you.
Aids compassion
Dissolves shocks, fears, blocks, and traumatization – grieve as well
Helps obsessions
Purifies negative atmospheres
Protects against psychic attacks
Mentally it aids by:
Helps release ‘wrong thinking’
Releases stressful mental patterns
Motivates to spontaneously materialize ideas
Expands consciousness
Sharpens senses
Physically it aids:
Treats veins
Improves circulation – warms hands and feet
Enhances blood flow even extreme undersupply
An elixir is good for the skin and eyes
Aids wound healing
Helps hardened arteries
Detoxes – keeping it by the fridge to make wiser food choices
Joint pain
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Chakra Association: Base and Sacral chakra – Calms and soothes, receptive mind and brings ingrained behaviors to your attention
Thank you so much for reading and I hope this has been informative! See below my bibliography for further reading :)
The Crystal Bible, Judy Hall
Crystal Co-creators, Dorothy Roeder, 1994
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing: The Complete Handbook, Michael Gienger
Healing crystals: the A-Z guide to 430 gemstones, Michael Gienger
Crystal clear: Change your energy, heal your life, Golmaz Alibagi
Gemstones of the world, Walter Schulmann
The Encyclopedia of crystals, Judy hall
The Crystal healing bible – Sue Lilly
Gemstones A-Z, Diane Stein
Crystals: Colour and chakra, Sue lilly, Josephine De Winter and Gill Hale